Sunday, May 9, 2021

Range Report 9 May 2021: The Mk. III Snider-Enfield Rifle

I shot my Nepalese Mark III Snider-Enfield rifle today.  The ammunition was loaded as described in this article, except for the powder loads, as listed below.

The range was Lytle Creek Range.  The weather was clear and sunny, 62 degrees, with a medium wind from 5:00.  I was shooting at 100 yards from a sitting supported position.  I used a half sight picture and a 6:00 hold.

I used a blowtube to moisten the fouling after each round.  In addition, I ran a wet patch followed by two dry patches through the bore after every table of fire.

I calculated the String Test Measurement and the Figure of Merit for all three tables of fire, as listed below.  For an explanation of the String Test, see here.  For an explanation of the Figure of Merit, see here.

Table 1:
60 grains of Swiss 1.5F powder.
String Test:  79.5 in. for ten rounds = 8.0 in./rd.
Figure of Merit:  6.70
Group Size:  26.08 in.

Table 2:
65 grains of Swiss 1.5F powder.
String Test:  66.75 in. for ten rounds = 6.67 in./rd.
Figure of Merit:  3.21
Group Size:  12.89 in.

Table 3:
70 grains of Swiss 1.5F powder.
String Test:  85.5 in. for ten rounds = 8.6 in./rd.
Figure of Merit:  5.26
Group Size:  26.05 in.

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