Historical Shooting with Civil War Cavalry Arms
I have just published a book about historical shooting with cavalry firearms of the Civil War. This is not a book about the history of the War, nor of the weapons themselves (although I touch briefly on both subjects for context), but about shooting with carbines and cap-and-ball revolvers. My intention is to show a modern shooter who owns one of these weapons how I make ammunition, operate and maintain them, and shoot them as well as possible using the shooting techniques and practices of the era with period-correct equipment. To that end, we begin with a brief history of some of the more popular cavalry firearms of the period; then go on to look at how to manufacture ammunition and how to package it correctly; how to clean and maintain the weapons; how to load and perform the shooting portion of the manuals of arms for them; how marksmanship was taught and practiced; how to work up a load for best target results; and the equipment appropriate for shooting.
The book is more than 170 pages in length in an 8.5x11-inch format, perfect-bound paperback. It is available from Lulu.com for $30.00 (+shipping).
To purchase this book, use the link: HERE.
I hope that if you enjoy it you will leave a review and that if you have comments or corrections that you will email me.
Table of Contents
Introduction: What is Historical Shooting?
Chapter One: A Brief Overview of Cavalry Firearms
Chapter Two: Ammunition
Chapter Three: The Manuals of Arms and Loading
Chapter Four: Cleaning and Maintenance
Chapter Five: Marksmanship
Chapter Six: Equipment
Sample Pages: